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Dave Turnip is a cathartic alter-ego, existing through narrative fragmentation yet searching for unity. He believes left-liberalism and its aesthetics are the funeral music of a ruthless elite, whose utopianism denies his identity through monolithic diversity and intellectualserfdom. This volume details his own diversi cation, fromthe unknown chronicler of the 2006 Ipswich murders to the silent lyricist of UVB-76.



The mode of attack (in the musical sense) is unique as is the accumulation of details I assume to be symptomatic, sustained by rhythmic nerve. Plenty of people areaccumulating details but these seem to have a di erentpurpose.


– Peter Riley


‘The Sorry History of Fast Food’ moved me deeply. It’s an elegy to all that we lost through modernity, a quiet mapping of the disorientation and atomization that we feel. The poetry itself is a kind of yearning for unity. There’s something disturbing about the way Sutton puts words together - like some great broken structure lies behind it all. Intimacy perhaps.


– Ewan Morrison

'Diversification of Dave Turnip' by Paul Sutton (63 pages)


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